Cayden | Leslie
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Omnisexual
ERP: Ask First
Off Hours Availability: DM to ask for availability
Preferred Position: Top-Leaning Switch
Interests: Reading, Spellcasting, History (Eorzean/Personal pasts)
Alt: Leslie
Alt: Gaelen
Cayden is an easily embarrassed, timid and a curious individual. Even though he's not too confident in his own skills whether that be in the bedroom or keeping up a conversation (or even on the battlefield); he really enjoys talking and getting to know someone. One to ask too many questions, sometimes he doesn't know when he should hold his tongue. His curiosity knows no bounds, also known to get him into trouble for asking too much. He strives to have those he cares for happy, even if it causes him to push his own comfort to the side until it's too late.
Spending most of his life alone, Cayden resorted to books for a thrill and sense of adventure until he left home. He loves to read about anything, any topic, with romance and documentaries being his favorite. He often spends more time reading then sleeping, passing out in the middle of a good book because he pulled too many all-nighters in a row. Sometimes not realizing 'textbook definition' is different then real life experiences Cayden has been finding more and more things that interest him and that he prefers. Exactly what? Perhaps you should get to know him to find out.