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Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Pansexual

ERP: Yes

Off Hours Availability: DM for details

Preferred Position: True Service Switch

Interests: Magic of all kinds, Creation, Alchemy, Storybooks, Music

Names oft fit the folk they're given too, and Gentle is no exception; a soft presence with a healer's touch is how he chooses to carry himself. Gentle is kind and friendly, and looks to support the people close to him however he might. Need a listening ear? His are rather big, after all~ A shoulder to lean on? He has two. A friend? Welcome~ 

Don't underestimate him for his kindness though - it's often the kindest folk that are the scariest when snapped~ A scholar, a courtesan, a mixologist, a mage - whatever role you put him into, Gentle's going to use his magical prowess and any skill he has to try to excel for you. You needs but ask, and Gentle will try to fulfill any wish you want, any dream you desire, that he can safely do~

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