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Aodhan | Likha

Aodhan | Likha


Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Too homosexual to function. Please. Help.

ERP?: If you ask nicely

Preferred Position: every kind of sub you'd like.

Interests: Singing, playing music, adventuring, saunas, archery, magic tricks, people-watching, good food, flirting

Growing up in a dancing troupe, Aod is no stranger to performing for a crowd. So what if the Darksongs have worked with shady syndicates in the past, and so what if Aod sometimes has the occasional expensive taste for food and trinkets that sometimes find their way into his pockets? He's honest in his bartending work and in his dancer's profession and besides, he only takes from people he doesn't like. He's trustworthy where it matters, right?

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