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Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Pansexual, Femme Lean

B&B: Yes

Preferred Position: Submissive lean when with masc partners, switch when with femme partners. Mostly depends on the dynamic between characters.

Interests: Goldsmithing, Fine arts, cultures across regions

Other Venues They Work At: Prophet Lounge

Off Hours Availability: DM for hours!

Theia is a very refined and prideful woman, who takes care to show her guests a good time. Her passion for the finer things in life reflect in the way she carries herself, and the topics she is particularly interested in discussing; goldsmithing, anything relating to fine arts, and the like. Her main goal is to make her guest feel like a diamond when in her care. When not working as an entertainer or dancer, you may find her honing her crafting skills to sell intricate jewelry pieces and accessories.

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