A violation of the rules will result in a warning.
Repeated violations will result in a ban.
If you refuse to leave, you will be reported to GM.
If you ever feel uncomfortable at any time, please approach a member of the staff so we can do our utmost to solve any issues!
Please note to become Staff at all HBV Venues you must be 18+
Rated T
All venues prescribe to the same rating as Final Fantasy XIV when it comes to public chats, including mentions of language, suggestive themes, violence and alcohol.
We do ask if you are looking to become staff that you are 18 years of age or older.
Gil is Real
If you wish to buy a drink or a service, you must pay for it with in game gil, not roleplay. The house takes zero cut from any services, tips or drinks/food sold. If you would like to directly offer your support to the venues as a whole, we encourage you to sign up for our VIP program!
No Impersonating Staff
This includes having any of the hexagon shaped tags on (blue, yellow or green) and you are not a staff member. We do have an application process you can go through if you want to join the team!
No Yell or Shout Chat
These are reserved for the staff so we can make announcements and easily communicate with guests.
IC is not OOC
Our staff are entitled to their free time and while you may enjoy their company, their off hours are their own (unless you'd like to book them!) Please do not add them as friends in game on Discord or send messages without their permission. In character behavior is not indicative of their out of character thoughts and opinions.
Consent is Key
All guests and staff are to follow the rules of consent when it comes to all activities, regardless of their nature. If at any point a staff or guest is made uncomfortable, you are urged to message a manager immediately so we can address the issue. Remember, you're never obligated to roleplay out something that makes you uncomfortable!
Zero Descrimination
We are an LGBTQ+ safe space as well as a supporter of equal rights for all. As such, we will not tolerate any slurs, harassment or general active phobia in regards to gender, sexual orientation or race. If a topic being discussed publicly makes you uncomfortable, please inform any member of staff immediately so we can handle it!
Mature Topics
As stated by the producer of FFXIV, all chats related to mature topics are to be kept in private /tells or /party.
No Entering Private Rooms
Unless you've booked that room, please refrain from going into the private rooms. You might walk in on someone and ruin their experience.
No Lalafel B&B
As Lalafell are described on the official site as: "Small by any race's standards and possessed of a childlike countenance, it proves difficult for non-Lalafell to gauge an individual's age with any degree of accuracy," we do not allow them to engage in Mature Services. We do however allow them to book all our other services as well as apply for the Dancer/Host position, provided they do not engage in those services.
Be Kind
Please be courteous to all guests and staff, even if you may not personally like them. If you run into someone you want to avoid, do exactly that and don't interact with them.