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Pride Drinks

5000 gil


Pride Shots

15,000 gil


Flights of Pride

Everyone is unique and special, and should be celebrated! So we offer to you our Flight of Pride! Any organization of 3-7 shots to recognize the colors that celebrate you! You can mix and match flags to make up the seven shots, just tell your bartender what you're wanting and you got it!

Any potential shot liqueurs/alcohols usable. Bartender's choice! 



5000 gil


5000 gil


S7 Originals

5000 gil


Diamond Drinks

The following drinks have been created specifically by our Diamond Bee VIPs.

5000 gil



2000 gil




This shot will keep you feeling, well, lucky!! If you were rolling dice, this is a nice +2 to all charisma rolls. The little cat-shaped cookie gives you a nice crunch after - and helps soak up a bit of the straight liqueur. Enjoy responsibly!


Green Apple Syrup, Cinnamon Schnapps, Vodka - topped with a dab of Whipped Cream and a Cat Cookie.





Ask your bartender what flavour they've got on deck for that night!


The Shinra Promotion

Irish cream, amaretto, coffee liqueur, topped with whipped cream


drinking games


25,000 gil

Payout: 50,000 gil

  • Each player begins the game with 3 shots.

  • A whisky glass is set on the bar.

  • Taking turns, each player will try to bounce a gil into the glass.

  • OOC: Players will roll a "/random 4". 1 is a success or a player can choose to call a number before they roll. If they roll that number, it's a success.

  • If they get the gil into the glass, they tell another player to take a shot.

  • The last one standing wins!

  • Min. 3 Players 


50,000 gil

Payout: 100,000 gil

  • Each person starts the game with a glass worth 3 drinks. A Triple Triad deck is set up in the middle, and people take turns drawing cards.

  • 1 Star Card: Player who picked the card chooses another player to drink

  • 2 Star Card: All players other than the one who drew the card must shout "SEVEN". Last to do so drinks.

  • 3 Star Card: Player who picked the card drinks.

  • 4 Star Card: Player who picked the card says a word, each player must come up with a rhyme - first to fail must drink. If all come up with something, drawee drinks.

  • 5 Star Card: Player who drew refills their drink, or picks someone to drink 2 of their drinks.

  • Min. 3 Players


5,000 gil

  • roll a "/random 5" when you receive your drink

  • 1. Red - Blush Crush: The hit of booze is certainly enough to get you brave! Talk to someone who's caught your eye.

  • 2. Blue - Dance Magitek: You are feeling the music after that drink! Get out and enjoy the dance floor, and feel free to invite a dancer with you!

  • 3. Green - ROUND 2: Whoo, now the party's started! Order another round!

  • 4. Yellow - Strut Your Stuff: You are feeling your best self after that shot. Show off your favorite move, be it a pickup line, a dance move, or a friendly line!

  • 5. Purple - Why is it Spicy?: Now THAT was a shot. Was that a double? Hope your tolerance is high!


100,000 gil

Roll a /random and be at the mercy of the effects.


You can't even get two swallows into the drink before your mouth is burning. Milk and sugar cut the heat, but you're now teary eyed and full of pain. Stay at the bar and get another drink to cool you off.



You managed to get some sips down, but the fire lashing your throat is far too hot. You will now struggle to speak for the evening. Rest and sip something to cool off.



Drinking something so spicy - you're lucky you got a third of it down. You can barely draw breath, but you did your best - so why is security giving you a sideeye? Paranoia comes with pain, it seems; you may feel a bit twitchy for a while...



Halfcup! You did great, and now your heart is racing, your feet feel twitchy, and the music creeps into your bones. You've got the booze, now enjoy the dance floor.


Fire is as fire does - you drank more than half of the spicy monstrosity, and now there's much to do, so much going on. Too much going on. What is going on?? Your attention keeps jumping around the room - seems focus is off the table for a while. How will you handle it?



You got it all! But your face is on fire, friend. Blushing like a buffoon, you are now rejoining the crowd and some of our staff has caught your eye - compliment them to get them just as blushy as you!



Not only did you handle this fiery drink like a champ, you've conquered it with nary a sweat! You've earned not only 1,000,000 gil but also your name on our Dragonsire's Bane wall!

All images and text are the property of their respective owners. If you're inspired by our site and wish to use the contents of it for your own venue, please reach out to a member of management to obtain consent for your own use.

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